Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lying in the depths of my imagination

So here goes, here am I, before a blank page, or rather against it.
I don´t knowexactly what to write about so I´ll just let my mind flow.

Where did this start? This began when Laura asked me why I usually talk about feelings in this blog down to a much deeper meaning than in person. I pointed out that not only I had realized this but that probably I could write even deeper feelings in english rather than into spanish.
Why? I don´t know. The answer lies within one of those still unexplored parts of the human mind. Probably the most complex machine in the universe, apart from the universe itself.
I hope they never find the key to its functioning. I hope that, no matter now much the science develops, we never become just a bunch of electrons and chemical reactions forever predictable. That´d really be the end of life as we know it, if not the end of life at all. No need for religion, for philosophy, no need for knowing the reasons of a muderer (the electrons in his brain were bound to collide and provoke that kind of thought and feeling), why a painter chose an specific colour for a certain part of a picture, why Mallory tried to climb Everest in 1924.
No need for
And, following Descartes´ "I think therefore I am", if we don´t think, then we are NOT.

No, I am not drunk or high on drugs.
It´s true Laura, I´d have probably never been able of talking all of the above or even writing it in spanish. and guess what, I started thinking about it while taking a shower and only took me 15 minutes to complete the article.


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